Can Anyone Learn To Sing?

Can Anyone Sing?

It’s a common question floating around the internet and it’s  an interesting discussion point. There are a lot of singing teachers, music teachers and voice coaches (The experts) out there who suggest that with enough practice and the correct application of voice techniques, that everyone can sing. The first step, obviously, would be to enrol in singing lessons where you can begin vocal training and ultimately learn how to sing.

Some people are predisposed by their genetic make up, with the structure of their Larynx, vocal folds etc. These people will obviously find the process much easier and adapt much quicker. With others it will take time and a lot more practice, as it does when you want to get better at anything.

The voice is like any other muscle and like those muscles it needs to be strengthened. Think of singing lessons as a gym for the voice, the more you train it the stronger it gets. If you wanted toned or bigger arms, you would  add  a series of arm strengthening exercises to your program.

On Average the male vocal chords vibrate 22 times per second just from speaking. singing requires much more effort, and the higher you go the more they vibrate (440 times per second when singing A above middle C) With this said. Singing is not easy and it does require a lot of training.

So….. can anyone learn to sing? The simple answer is yes. However, realistically speaking the answer is more complex. The more effort someone is going to put in the better they will get, the more they want it and the hungrier they are to succeed the more likely it is for them. The same principle applies to the music industry itself. It’s not a walk in the park and you’ve gotta really want it and be willing to work for it!

So what do you think, Can everybody sing?


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